Imagine you are helping an old blind woman to sort out her pictures. As you pick out a picture of 2 people walking at night under streetlights, she begins to tell you a story. What story does she tell about the 2 people in the picture? What does the old woman look like? What kind of house are you in? What does the house look like? What is around you? What can you see, feel, smell, hear? How do you describe the painting to the woman (remember, she is blind).
Remember to use interesting describing and doing words. ‘Show, not tell’.
Use this space to plan what you will write
Beginning: nana brick house cracked
Middle: pretty old artist pitcher room
End: story about her daughter and son
Then start your writing here: at my nana’s house the place is cracked old and next to a river
she is pretty a good artist then we went to her art room she talked about one pitcher it was her son and daughter got married
Hi Connie, I like the way you planned out your story in the planning space. The way you described the house as 'cracked' and 'old', really put an image in my mind of how the house looked. It would be really interesting to carry on your story- Why was this picture important to the old woman? What happened next? Use your imagination to come up with something really exciting!